
As part of the Alyeska Ski Club’s goal to provide exciting, challenging, and character building experiences we are offering a way for athletes 14 years and older to learn about coaching.

This is a great option for skiers who have graduated from our recreational programs like Mighty Mites or Devos. The Tailgunner Program offers an opportunity for athletes to stay involved, learn about coaching and build experience for volunteer/paid positions in the ski world. This program provides an option when the Juniors, Freeride, or Alpine X Programs may not be the right fit.

Tailgunners have provided great support to the Mighty Mites and Devos Program for several years now. We will continue with this program and are seeking 5-6 interested applicants per season for the Mighty Mites and Devos Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Tail Gunner Program?
This program is for athletes who are interested in learning more about ski coaching. Athletes will work with different mentor coaches throughout the season and assist with practice. Tail Gunners may be asked to help with demonstrations, ride the chair lift with younger athletes, assist kids that may need a little extra help, and much more.

Who can be a Tail Gunner Assistant Coach?
Alyeska Ski Club Program athletes aged 14 and older.

Which programs will have Tail Gunner coaches?
Mighty Mites and Devos

Will there be program fees or is this a paid position?
Tail Gunners will not pay program fees, however they will be responsible for their own season pass, but may be eligible for reimbursement when commitment is fulfilled.  Tail Gunner Assistant Coaches are volunteers and will be provided a jacket that identifies them as part of this program.

What is the commitment?
The entire Mighty Mites or DEVOS season with at least a 14 day minimum.

What about additional education?
Coaching clinics take place throughout the season. Tail Gunners will be invited to these clinics and are strongly encouraged to attend.

When does the program start?
A Tail Gunners meeting will be scheduled along with a Coaches Clinic for all coaches in each program. Once applicants are accepted as Tail Gunners they will be provided a finalized schedule for the weekend.  Please refer to the Mighty Mites Schedule and DEVOS Schedule posted online.


Tail Gunner Online Application

Send an email to program leadership listed below with the subject line “Tail Gunner Application”. Include in the email the following information:

  • Applicant’s full name
  • Phone Contact Information
  • Email Contact Information
  • Parent/Guardian’s full names
  • Phone Contact Information
  • Email Contact Information
  • Applicant’s Background
  • Date of Birth
  • Alyeska Ski Club Program Experience
  • List Program (s) and Seasons Involved
  • List a past coach that can provide a recommendation for your application
  • How Many Years Skiing Experience
  • List any other volunteer coaching type experience in any sport/event
  • Provide a short explanation (no more than a paragraph) of why you’d be a great Tail Gunner and for which program.

Devos Program Leadership
Terri Adkins – devosheadcoach@alyeskaskiclub.com 
Drew Petrie – devosprogramdirector@alyeskaskiclub.com

Mighty Mite Program Leadership
Gordon Descutner – mightymitesheadcoach@alyeskaskiclub.com
Patti Wilbanks – mightymitesasst.headcoach@alyeskaskiclub.com 

Who can I contact with additional questions?
Kaleen Haines
Executive Director