Mighty Mites Program
Mighty Mites is a “Love to Ski, Learn to Ski Race” program and try-outs will be held to ensure participants are able to ski all-of-the Mountain from the top of Chair Six. As an introductory ski race program for ages 6-14, Mighty Mite athletes improve skills and confidence by learning to ski race and free ski the entire mountain within ability groups. Athletes are grouped according to age and ability for the season.
Registration for the Mighty Mite Programs will open the month of September. Priority registration for returning families will begin September 10th and close September 20th. New family registration open September 21st. There is a 200 athlete cap for this program. Registration will close November 30th or when the cap is reached, whichever comes first. Registration is first come, first served. If you have any questions about registration please contact our Head Coach, at mighymitesheadcoach@alyeskaskiclub.com.
The starting ages for both the Mighty Mite programs is 6 yrs old. ALL athletes are required to have basic ski skills and be independent from parents for the full program day.
Please Note: The “Mini-Mite” Program for 5yr olds and younger is run independently by the Alyeska Resort’s Learning Center. Please contact the Resort through their Mount Alyeska Sports School for their information. Contact them through their website or at 907-754-2280.
Coaches needed for Mighty Mites Ski Program
The Mighty Mites recreational ski program has operated with the support of volunteer coaches since 1967. Coaching and engagement with local sports programs is a great way for us contribute and support our ski club.
For those of you that are avid skiers, please consider an opportunity to volunteer to help with the Mighty Mite ski program on Sundays, particularly if you have children or grandchildren that are interested in the program.
Please use the button below for information about the program and additional information about registration for kids or interest in coaching.
Mighty Mites-Registration
- Sundays | Alyeska Resort | 6-14 years old as of Dec 31, 2024
- Registration Fee – $490
- Recommendation – The goal of the program is to introduce the fundamentals of alpine ski racing to young children. The Mighty Mite Program strives to promote self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment, good sportsmanship and a FUN, positive racing experience for children. Whether a child has an Olympic goal or just wants to have fun, Mighty Mites can provide the foundation for a lifelong love of skiing. Mighty Mites captures the balance between racing and free skiing, offering several races throughout the season, opportunities to train gates, as well as ample time to explore the entire mountain with their coach and group. Please see our web site for more details about eligibility and criteria for enrolling.
- AMM Daily Schedule – We have adjusted our schedule to provide for increased ski hours, coach’s meetings, groups starting/ending at the same time, and lunch breaks within ski groups to limit excessive gathering in the Race Training Center (RTC). All groups will meet at their group flags outside the RTC at 11:15 am and load lifts by 11:30. All groups will return to their Flags at 3:30 pm. Athletes will bring sack lunches to be stored in designated Group Cubbies in the RTC. Coaches will take a 30 min lunch break sometime during the ski day and distribute sack lunches in the RTC.
- Additional Opportunities –
- Winter Break Camp $200
- Spring Break Camp $175
- Hilltop Wed Training $275 (5:30 pm -7pm). This training session is for older, independent athletes who can check-in with coaches, follow directions and get themselves to the practice courses all session long. Individual coaches will not be assigned to groups.
- Registration fees do NOT include a lift ticket for athletes. Please purchase those from Alyeska Resort. A direct to lift pass or season pass is recommended to avoid the lines and difficulties each morning at the ticket office.
Mighty Mites + Devos-Registration
- Saturdays | Alyeska Resort | 6-14 years old as of Dec 31, 2024 | Devos
- Sundays | Alyeska Resort | 6-14 years old as of Dec 31, 2024 | Mighty Mites
- Program Cost – $816
- Recommendation – Recommended for U10 and U12 athletes looking for the benefits of both programs.
- Mighty Mites + Devos Daily Schedule: We have adjusted our schedule to provide for increased ski hours, coach’s meetings, groups starting/ending at the same time, and lunch breaks within ski groups to limit excessive gathering in the Race Training Center (RTC). All groups will meet at their group flags outside the RTC at 11:15 am and load lifts by 11:30. All groups will return to their Flags at 3:30 pm. Athletes will bring sack lunches to be stored in designated Group Cubbies in the RTC. Coaches will take a 30 min lunch break sometime during the ski day and distribute sack lunches in the RTC.
- Additional Opportunities –
- Winter Break Camp $200
- Spring Break Camp $175
- Hilltop Wed Training $275 (5:30 pm – 7 pm). This training session is for older, independent athletes who can check-in with coaches, follow directions and get themselves to the practice courses all session long. Individual coaches will not be assigned to groups.
- Registration fees do NOT include a lift ticket for athletes. Please purchase those from Alyeska Resort. A direct to lift pass or season pass is recommended to avoid the lines and difficulties each morning at the ticket office.
Documents and Link
Mighty Mite Groups
Skiers will be placed in ability groups for free skiing, training and races. Placement will be commensurate with ability, which will be determined by initial free skiing, training sessions, grouping races, and age. These groups allow children to compete more equitably with those of similar skills instead of competing only within age groups. The ability groups, ranked in ascending order of ability, are as follows:
Ages 6–9: Chipmunks, Otters, Beavers, Lynx, Tigers
Ages 10–14: Cougars, Rams, Wildcats, Snow Leopards
Children will race throughout the season in the ability group to which they are assigned following the grouping race. Adjustments in ability groups will only be made with coaches’ input up to the first pointed race. After this, all races count toward Season Awards and children will to remain in their ability groups to compete for the end-of-year awards.
1. Coach observes mastery of fundamentals and free skiing ability.
2. Skier finishes a grouping race with a time in the midrange of the next highest group.
3. At age 10 by December 31 of the ski season, unless already a Snow Leopard, the racer becomes a Cougar.
Note: Ability Groups may be adjusted to ensure appropriate numbers within each group to allow for appropriate coaching levels.
Upward mobility in Mighty Mite ability groups is based on the mastery of ski fundamentals in free skiing, drills, gate training and race results. The first grouping race of the season is a combination GS and slalom grouping race. After this race and Coaching review, movement of Mighty Mites into new groups will be done conservatively. The following Sunday coaches will further assess free skiing ability and make recommendations on final grouping movements. If a child misses the grouping race, then group placement will be based on coach’s recommendation. Parents with concerns on grouping can discuss this with their child’s coach prior to the first Pointed Race. Once Pointed Races begin, no movements between ability groups are allowed as this will render the child ineligible for Season Awards.
Safety & Conduct
Safe behavior and good conduct are expected at all times while Mighty Mites is in session. Rude and unsafe behavior is discouraged and not tolerated. The Mighty Mites are examples to all young skiers as role models.
The inherent dangers involved in alpine skiing combined with the size of Mighty Mite groups require that children promptly obey the rules established by the coaches and parent helpers. Children who are unable to obey the rules pose a threat to the safety of others as well as themselves and put an unfair burden on the coaches, other children, and parents. Children who are unable to follow the rules established by the coaches will not be allowed to attend practice. Normally, the following procedures will apply:
- First infraction: formal warning to skier
- Second infraction: return to RTC for the day/ discussion between coach, parent, and athlete
- Third infraction: suspension for two weeks
- Fourth infraction: termination from program
At the discretion of the program director, certain serious infractions (such as fighting or situations involving risks of physical harm) may result in deviation the above policy, up to and including immediate suspension or expulsion from the program. Refunds will not be given for violation of the above policy and protocols.
In addition, Alyeska Resort has great information and resources for mountain and skiing safety and education:
- Know the Code (Alyeska Resort skier responsibility code)
- Alyeska Resort Mountain Education Test. All results will be kept with the Alyeska Ski Patrol.
Proper Dress & Equipment
Children should come to Mighty Mites dressed for the weather! On very cold days, hand and toe warming pouches could mean the difference between skiing and sitting in the lodge. Mittens tend to be warmer than gloves. On rainy days, wear rain jackets AND rain pants. Helmets are required for participants. There are so many options available today in the area of children’s ski gear, so the best advice is to “Keep It Simple and Affordable.” Ski swaps and used gear are a great way to meet the needs of young skiers. Find your comfort zone ($) while paying attention to ski length, boot flexibility and pole height.
Skis should reach between the skier’s chin and nose. If in doubt, go shorter. Shorter skis are easier to handle. Look for side-cut, this means a wide tip and tail with a narrow waist.
Boots need to fit and be flexible. To determine if a boot fits lengthwise, take the bladder out, have child put his foot in the shell and slide toes to the front. He should have 1/2 – 1 inch of space between the back of his heel and the back of the shell. Put the bladder back in and try on boot for comfort. Have child flex the boot – this should be easy!
Pole Height Have child hold a ski pole upside down and grip just below the basket. You are looking for a 90 degree angle bend in the skier’s elbow while the lower arm is parallel to the ground.
Helmets must fit properly to be of any use; they should fit snugly. While not required, yet, it is recommended that helmets cover the ears. It is not advisable to buy used helmets for your racer, as it is often impossible to determine if a helmet has sustained a blow merely by looking at it. Children tend to drop helmets on the floor, throw them into the back of vans and cars, and each time the helmet receives a knock, it may well be sustaining minor fractures that are not visible on the outside, but reduce the effectiveness of the helmet.
Tail Gunner Program
Athletes 14 and older are encouraged to consider serving as a Tail Gunner.
Great option to learn about coaching, increase volunteer experience and stay involved.
Annual Trophies
Special Annual Trophies awarded each season to a deserving female and male athlete. Records captured below that are engraved on our traveling trophies displayed in the Race Training Center. These special awards have been given out for decades!
Tanaka Trophy
Tanaka Trophy
Awarded to the boy and girl that exemplify excellence in sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship is marked by a positive attitude no matter the weather or conditions, encouragement given to fellow racers, helpfulness to coaches and volunteers, politeness, and respectfulness of authority
2023-2024 Tanaka Trophy
Nora Esping
Declan Cobb
2022-2023 Tanaka Trophy
Alma Kinney
Andreas Ovod-Everett
2021-2022 Tanaka Trophy
Kaitlyn Walker
Andreas Ovod-Everett
2020-2021 Tanaka Trophy
Chelsea Eldridge
Grant Eldridge
2019-2020 Tanaka Trophy
Nichole Walker
Owen Severson
2018-2019 Tanaka Trophy
Spencer Hemry
Savannah Willis
2017-2018 Tanaka Trophy
Katie Reinbold
Colton Merriner
2016-2017 Tanaka Trophy
Taylor Hartman
Cole Flower
2015-2016 Tanaka Trophy
Avery Collins
Will Hubbell
2014-2015 Tanaka Trophy
Kintla Penn
James Reinbold
2013-2014 Tanaka Trophy
Lexi Patten
William Wrigley
2012-2013 Tanaka Trophy
Talia Halverson
Simon Keffalos
2011-2012 Tanaka Trophy
Jenevia Wika
Hunter Eid
Most Improved
Most Improved
The most improved award goes to the Mighty Mite boy and girl who have shown the most improvement for the year.
2023-2024 Most Improved
Bella Yuqing Zheng
Addison Sultenfuss
2022-2023 Most Improved
Kimberly Jenson
Owen Martin
2021-2022 Most Improved
Rosalie Burke-Brandstetter
Adrian Cryan
2020-2021 Most Improved
Marin Walter
Maksim Millwood
2019-2020 Most Improved
Amber Maynard
Harlow Wilson
2018-2019 Most Improved
Iulian Ovod-Everett
Anna Green
2017-2018 Most Improved
Taryn Miller
Reuben Jeffers
2016-2017 Most Improved
Lola Woodward
Dylan Autrey/Spencer Hemry (tied)
2015-2016 Most Improved
Mia Rossi
William Reinbold
2014-2015 Most Improved
Hailey Hand
Thomas Hartman
2013-2014 Most Improved
Kennedy Kane
Eli Seaver
2012-2013 Most Improved
Lexi Patten
Kai Penn
2011-2012 Most Improved
Emily Workman
Ryan Brubaker